Газету Daily Mail упіймали на плагіаті

21 Січня 2011

Газету Daily Mail упіймали на плагіаті

21 Січня 2011
Газету Daily Mail упіймали на плагіаті
Четвергова публікація – суцільний копіпейст із статті The New York Times.

Матеріал Electronic devices may cause plane crashes - and older aircraft are especially vulnerable, що вийшов 20 січня у британській газеті з 2-мільйонним накладом Daily Mail, практично дослівно повторює публікацію The New York Times від 18 січня. Плагіат викрила газета The Guardian.


Порівнюючи оригінальний текст Interfering with flight?із матеріалом Daily Mail, можна побачити низку «збігів»:


NYT:"Many of these devices transmit a signal, and all of them emit electromagnetic waves, which, in theory, could interfere with the plane's electronics. At the same time, older planes might not have the best shielding against the latest generation of devices, some engineers said.

Mail:"Most personal devices transmit a signal and all of them emit electromagnetic waves which, in theory, could interfere with the plane's electronics. At the same time, older planes might not have the best protection against the latest generation of devices."

NYT:"It's a good news-bad news thing," said David Carson, an engineer with Boeing. Electronic devices do not cause problems in every case, he said. "And that's good," he said. "It's bad in that people assume it never will."

Mail:'It's a good news-bad news thing,' said David Carson, an engineer with Boeing. 'Electronic devices do not cause problems in every case. And that's good. It's bad in that people assume it never will.'

NYT:Some passengers are like Nicole Rodrigues of Los Angeles, who acknowledges that she listens to music on her cellphone when she is not supposed to. "In my head, I imagine it not being a problem," she said. "The whole airplane is filled with electronics that are constantly on. Is my little cellphone going to make that big of a difference?"

Mail:One airline passenger, Nicole Rodrigues of Los Angeles, acknowledges that she listens to music on her mobile phone when she is not supposed to. 'In my head, I imagine it not being a problem,' she said. 'The whole airplane is filled with electronics that are constantly on. Is my little cellphone going to make that big of a difference?'

NYT:John Darbo, an air safety consultant and former airline executive who was a member of the group that helped the F.A.A. develop rules, said airlines could not police passengers or stop them from bringing electronics on the airplane. "Do you expect us to do that?" he asked. "That's absurd. What we have to do is tell them what's going on, elicit their cooperation and harden the airplanes."

Mail:John Darbo, an air safety consultant and former airline executive who was a member of the group that helped the FAA develop rules, said airlines could not police passengers or stop them from bringing electronics on the airplane. 'Do you expect us to do that?' he asked. 'That's absurd. What we have to do is tell them what's going on, elicit their cooperation and harden the airplanes.'


«Це занадто. Суцільний копіпейст!», - констатує The New York Observer. Поки що в Daily Mail не дають пояснень цьому випадкові.



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